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L'écorce et le vent

L'écorce et le vent
Réf. 40183

BÉALU (Marcel)

Paris  -  Robert Blanchet  -  1970

  • Bookbinder : Paule AMELINE
  • Format : In-12 à l'italienne.
  • Number of volumes : 1 Volume.
  • Binding : Related.
  • Collation : Non paginé.

Binding Maroquin night blue with frame. On the boards, abstract decoration lithographed in black on cream paper. Chinese title grey and light grey on the spine. Blankets and spines kept. Binder signed Paule AMELINE Copy entirely mounted on tabs .

6 original bark prints by Robert Blanchet

Limited edition to 220 numbered copies on the banks. Enriched with an autograph signed by the author 

Perfect condition.

From the same author

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