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Les Petites Alliées, édition originale

Les Petites Alliées
Réf. 39409

FARRERE (Claude)

Paris  -  Librairie Paul Ollendorff  -  Sans date (1910).

  • Bookbinder : CANAPE
  • Format : In-12.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Bound.
  • Collation : 315 pp.

Jansenist binding in full brown morocco. Nervous spine. Top edge gilt. Cover and spine  kept. To great witnesses. Binding signed CANAPE.

LIMITED ORIGINAL EDITION: 85 numbered copies. This one one of the 30 numbered copies on Imperial Japan, second paper after 5 China. Enriched with a nice signed autograph on the fake title : " "  for my friend Gomès / in memory of the times / where, not far from the camp / from Cercottes, we / tried, the two of us / and twelve or fifteen / good comrades, / to resurrect the times / of the Little Allies, and / to raise to this dignity / of simple girlfriends / met at random / of war, ...we / tried, alas, in /vain.../ and with my friendship / Farrère / May 1918 ". The novel takes place in Toulon, in a world of young naval officers who entertain themselves with half society women.

Nice copy.

From the same author

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