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Un Mari pacifique

Un Mari pacifique
Réf. 72723

BERNARD (Tristan)

Paris.  -  Editions de la Revue Blanche.  -  1901.

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Paperback.
  • Collation : 305 pp.

Cream softcover printed. Spine browned and damaged. Wear to cover. Unstained pages with large margins. Scattered foxing on the pages.

Copy enriched with an AUTOGRAPHIC SENDER SIGNED by the author.

Large margins edition of a satyrical work by a sharp-eyed 20th century French author. The hero of this novel - married and a father - is happily sinking into a sweet torpor until he is rudely awakened when he learns of his other half's infidelity. A book that sees the bourgeois life of its time from a more subversive than humorous angle.

Fair condition.

From the same author

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