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Vocabulaire technique et critique de la philosophie.

Tomes II - Tome III : Supplement

vocabulaire technique et critique de la philosophie
Réf. 58213


Paris.  -  Félix Alcan.  -  1932.

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 2 tomes.
  • Binding : Cardboard.
  • Collation : Tome II : 975 pp.; Tome III : 196 pp.

Set of two volumes with green full-percaline binding. Smooth insolated backs with silver-coloured fillets, titles, author's and publisher's mentions. Stitches on the bindings and the guards. Embossed fillets on the dishes. Good condition of the pages although burnished.

Reviewed by Mm. the members and correspondents of the French Society of Philosophy and published, with their corrections and observations.

Work(s) crowned by the Académie française.

Volume II: 4th edition, significantly expanded.

Volume III: New supplement followed by the translation of Greek and Latin texts and an index of foreign terms.

The last two in a collection that is a reference when it comes to all the existing jargon in the field of philosophy. Need to find the right word to express a notion or concept? These two volumes are for you.

In good condition.

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