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La voiture à travers les âges.

La voiture à travers les âges - Alphone Lalauze auteur et illustrateur
Réf. 37193

LALAUZE (Alphonse) illustrated by Alphonse LALAUZE

Collection artistique des laboratoires Nican et Somnothyril.  -  1935

  • Bookbinder : Charles LANOE
  • Format : In-8 oblong
  • Number of volumes : 2 tomes.
  • Binding : Related.
  • Language : Français

In case and shirt. Bound in full brown morocco with a colour design on the first plate. Smooth spine with golden title and date on the heel. Three golden slices. Gold-coloured nets on the counterplates. Brown silk guard. Binding signed Charles LANOE.


Book entirely mounted on tabs composed of 10 plates retracing the history of the horse carriage through the ages: 1. the chariot of Ramses II; 2. the Roman Quadriges; 3. the chariot of the Lazy Kings; 4. The carriage of the Middle Ages; 5. King Henry's Coach; 6. The Queen's Carriage at Versailles; 7. The Coche de terre; 8. Manon's Post Office Chair; 9. The Fontainebleau Farewell Sedan; 10. The Diligence 1830.

Artistic collection of the Nican and Somnothyril laboratories.

Unique copy composed:

- from the watercolour title page by A. Lalauze

- of the 10 original colour drawings by Alphonse LALAUZE

- of the 10 preparatory pencil drawings

- 10 small felt stickers

- 3 states of laminated color reproductions

- the original drawing in colours by Lalauze on the first plate.

Very nice copy.

Categories : Transports, Single copy

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