Editor : Dunod.

3 books in this category
La Rochelle et Bayonne
Réf. 72364

La Rochelle et Bayonne.

Paris. - Dunod. - 1921.

Copy enriched with an AUTOGRAPHIC SENDER SIGNED by the author: "to my kind colleague/collaborator/ and compatriot.


Autisme, comprendre et agir
Réf. 64328

Le Syndrome d'Asperger et l'autisme de haut niveau

Paris. - Dunod. - 2008.

Preface by Bernadette Rogé. Translated from the English by Isabelle Virol.

Original title: Asperger's syndrome, A guide for Parents and Professionals.…

L'autisme, de la compréhension à l'intervention
Réf. 64325

Le Syndrome d'Asperger et l'autisme de haut niveau

Paris. - Dunod. - 2008.

Preface by Bernadette Rogé. Translated from the English by Isabelle Virol.

Original title: Asperger's syndrome, A guide for Parents and Professionals.…


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