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Évangile selon Saint Luc

Évangile selon Saint Luc
Réf. 69310

SACY (Isaac Lemaistre de.) illustrated by Jules CHADEL

Paris.  -  Pro Amicis, Maurice Darantière  -  1932

  • Bookbinder : Georges CRETTÉ
  • Format : In-4.
  • Number of volumes : 2 tomes.
  • Binding : Related.
  • Collation : 195 pp.

In a bordered case. Full garnet leather binding. Plates decorated with straight and curved gilt filets, gilt irons and two mosaic pieces of the same black skin, one, ovoid, set with a gold filet and charged with a gold stylised fish taking up one of the typographic ornaments of the text and the other, triangular, set with a gold festoon, decorated with gilt geometric motifs and topped with a small gold-stamped Latin cross. The back is smooth with a reminder of the decoration. Gilded edges on witnesses. Moiré silk lining decorated with ink and wash drawings by Julius Chadel and set with a wide border decorated with cold and cold gilt fillets and gilt iron, garnet silk moire guards. Cover and spine preserved. Binding signed Georges CRETTÉ, on a model by Jules Chadel.

Text translated by Le Maistre de Sacy with a prelude by Henri Bremond.

Illustrated edition 84 woods in black, engraved by Germaine de Coster and Savinienne Tourrette from drawings by Jules CHADEL, hand drawn by Yoshijito Urushibara.


Copy enriched with
:- 2 ORIGINAL DRAWINGS IN INK AND WASH, one signed in pencil. "The Birth of Saint John" (for the illustration on p. 11) and "Saint John preaches a baptism of conversion" (for the illustration on p. 21).

The copy consists of a second volume bound in Jansenist morocco by Cretté:

- the two preparatory drawings for the original inks of the lining (on the spine, they bear the handwritten pencil mention "M. Paul Hébert");
- a black suite of an earlier state of the 85 compositions, printed on Japon;
- a proof of one of the double-page plates, printed on Japon mince and raised in the wash;
- the model of the Jules Chadel decoration for the cover plates of the binding, on blue paper


Superb binding by Georges CRETTÉ.

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