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Évangile selon Saint-Mathieu

Évangile selon Saint-Mathieu
Réf. 43806

SACY (Isaac Lemaistre de.) illustrated by Louis JOU

Paris  -  Les Livres de Louis Jou  -  1928

  • Bookbinder : G. MERCIER
  • Format : In-4.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Bound.
  • Collation : 189 pp.

Under case of modern canvas. Bradel binding full ivory vellum entirely painted by Louis JOU. Smooth spine decorated with the same floral border with a golden spineground and the title in reserve. Each dish is decorated with a large floral border with a golden spineground containing the letters of the title in reserve and a large watercolour gouached and varnished in the centre, representing the Passion on the first dish and the Crucifixion on the second, lining and guards of white Japanese. Not trimmed. Original paper covers and spine bound in. Binding signed G. MERCIER sr. de son père, 1931.

Illustrated edition of thirty full-page compositions and numerous ornaments, letters, culs-de-lampe, headers and vignettes drawn, engraved on wood and printed by Louis JOU.
The text has been elegantly typed in red and black with the characters drawn by the artist.

LIMITED DRAWING. One of the 10 head copies on pearly Japan from a total circulation of 310 numbered copies, bound with the subscription prospectus.

Very beautiful copy in a magnificent binding made by Georges Mercier and entirely painted by Louis Jou. As "complete designer of the book", the latter decorated it "with a composition in the style of his woods, in passing a tribute to the manuscript books that William Morris would not have denied" (Yves Peyré).

Very impressive binding.

From the same author

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