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Rothenburg. Une ville du passé

Rothenburg. Une ville du passé
Réf. 76590

ROBIDA (Albert)

Paris  -  Edmond Richardin  -  1910

  • Bookbinder : DEVAUCHELLE
  • Format : Fort in-4.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Bound.
  • Collation : 182 pp.

Bound in red half-maroquin with corners. Spine with very richly decorated nerves. All edges gilt on witnesses. Cover and spine preserved. Binding signed DEVAUCHELLE.
Illustrated with 14 etchings and 142 woodcuts in the text and 14 lettering by Albert ROBIDA. Work mounted on tabs.

LIMITED EDITION to 285 numbered copies. This one is one of the 15 first copies on old Japan of the imperial manufactures of Japan.
UNIQUE EDITION containing about 160 ORIGINAL DRAWINGS in ink, signed or monogrammed by Albert ROBIDA, which were used to illustrate the book.

Perfect condition for this exceptional copy.

From the same author

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