
Well established in Bayonne, the Koegui bookstore is the specialist of Spain. Here is the online catalog of old books and rare or exhausted books on Spain, its culture, its geography, its literature ...

60 books in this category
60 books in this category
Le Circulaire 33
Réf. 74788

Le Circulaire 33.

Lyon. - Librairie et imprimerie Vitte et Perrussel. - 1888.

A small book that allows you to discover all the beautiful stages that it was possible to make during a trip on the famous Spanish "circular 33". An opportunity to go back to the past and let the narrator guide you.…

Géographie de la Vasconie espagnole
Réf. 73053

Géographie de la Vasconie espagnole.

Auch. - Impromerie et lithographie G. Foix. - 1891.

Copy enriched with an AUTOGRAPHIC SENDER SIGNED by the author.

From the Revue de Gascogne.

The territory that we now call the Basque Country has an ancient history, as the author of this work seeks to demonstrate. Among other things, he evokes the…

De l'Ibérie
Réf. 72961

De l'Ibérie.

Paris. - Leleux. - 1838.

Like its European neighbours, the territory that gave rise to Spain has seen its populations evolve over the past centuries. Among the most ancient, we can mention the Iberians, of whom several traces have reached us.…

A travers le Guipuzcoa
Réf. 72959

A travers le Guipuzcoa.

Paris - Bordeaux. - Hachette - Gonouilhou. - 1897.
Apuntes bibliográficos de la Prensa carlista
Réf. 72955

Apuntes bibliográficos de la Prensa carlista

Valence. - Sanchis, Torres y Sanchis. - 1927.

Work written entirely in Spanish.

Prologo de D. Juan L. Martin Mengod.

Intermedio by D. Domingo Cirici Ventallo.

A nice little testimony in the form of a bound copy. The Carlist Wars that shook Spain in the 19th century were not only fought between…

Voyage en Espagne (Tras los Montes)
Réf. 72944

Voyage en Espagne (Tras los Montes)

Paris. - Bibliothèque-Charpentier. - 1894.
San Sebastian
Réf. 72942

San Sebastian.

Pau. - Léon Ribaut. - 1885.
La guerre civile en Espagne : 1833 - 1848 - 1872
Réf. 72940

La guerre civile en Espagne : 1833 - 1848 - 1872

Bayonne - Paris. - P. Cazals - E. Dentu. - Non-daté.

The 19th century was far from being a period of rest for Spain. Following Napoleon's domination, it became the scene of several civil wars - three in all - that posterity will remember as the "Carlist Wars". These saw the people divided between…

Réf. 72938


Bordeaux. - G. Gournouilhou. - 1896.


With a preface letter from Pierre Loti.

Nice little bound copy in which the author tells us about the beauties of Fontar(r)abie, a beautiful little Spanish port town. As this work will show us with beautiful…

Géographie de la Vasconie espagnole
Réf. 72932

Géographie de la Vasconie espagnole.

Auch. - Impromerie et lithographie G. Foix. - 1891.

Copy enriched with an AUTOGRAPHIC SENDER SIGNED by the author.

From the Revue de Gascogne.

The territory that we now call the Basque Country has an ancient history, as the author of this work seeks to demonstrate. Among other things, he evokes the…

L'Espagne  Les provinces du Sud
Réf. 72913

L'Espagne : Les provinces du Nord.

Grenoble. - Arthaud. - 1929.

A superb - and imposing - hardback copy allowing you to make a trip to the Spanish provinces. Well documented and accompanied by superb maps, you will come to appreciate these regions without even having physically set foot there. …

L'Espagne : Les provinces du Nord
Réf. 72911

L'Espagne : Les provinces du Nord.

Grenoble. - Arthaud. - 1937.

A superb - and imposing - hardback copy allowing you to make a trip to the Spanish provinces. Well documented and accompanied by superb maps, you will come to appreciate these regions without even having physically set foot there. …

Contribution à l'étude de l'histoire contemporaine du Pays Basque - Tomes I & II
Réf. 72909

Contribution à l'étude de l'histoire contemporaine …

Lille. - Service de reproduction des thèses - Université de Lille III. - 1981.

Thesis divided into two volumes explaining the third Carlist war. This war, which took place between 1872 and 1876, was the last conflict of succession in 19th century Spain between Loyalists and Carlists. …

Prosper Mérimée et l'Espagne
Réf. 72854

Prosper Mérimée et l'Espagne

Paris. - Chez l'auteur. - 1960.

Diploma of higher studies. Under the direction of Professor Castex.…

Les Ibères - Art et civilisation
Réf. 72788
Don Alonso ou l'Espagne contemporaine
Réf. 72786

Don Alonso ou l'Espagne contemporaine

Paris. - Baudoin. - 1824.


Nice little series in four volumes allowing the reader to go back in time and discover the Spanish life at the beginning of the 19th century.…


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