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La guerre civile en Espagne : 1833 - 1848 - 1872

La guerre civile en Espagne : 1833 - 1848 - 1872
Réf. 72940

BONILLA (Carlos de.)

Bayonne - Paris.  -  P. Cazals - E. Dentu.  -  Non-daté.

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Hardback.
  • Collation : 475

Bound in red half-percaline with corners. Smooth spine with green-dark morocco piece on which the title and the author's name appear in gilt. Beautiful binding. Cover preserved. Pages not soiled. Paper browned. Handwritten annotations on several pages.

The 19th century was far from being a period of rest for Spain. Following Napoleon's domination, it became the scene of several civil wars - three in all - that posterity will remember as the "Carlist Wars". These saw the people divided between loyalists, favourable to the current power, and Carlists, favourable to the pretender to the Spanish crown.

Contneu in good condition.

Categories : Spain

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