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Aperçus d'Afrique en quatrième vitesse.

Hunting in the Tropics - Saharan adventures

Aperçus d'Afrique en quatrième vitesse
Réf. 68603

BOTTU (Henry) illustrated by VERGE-SARRAT; JEAN ANDRE

Paris.  -  Laboratoires Bottu.  -  1934.

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Paperback.
  • Collation : X-111 pp.

Soft cream cover printed in black and white. Tiny snags on the cover. Unstripped pages. Slightly browned paper. Good condition of the contents decorated with a black and white off-text map, black and white in-text illustrations, as well as colour illustrated plates made by VERGE-SARRAT and Jean ANDRE.

Preface by Pierre Mille.

Very good condition.

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