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Le Miroir du Congo belge

Le Miroir du Congo belge.
Réf. 65487

DAYE (Pierre) – CROKAERT (J.)

Bruxelles-Paris  -  Éditions N.E.A  -  1929

  • Format : In-4.
  • Number of volumes : 2 tomes.
  • Binding : Related.
  • Collation : Tome 1 : 286 pp. Tome 2 : 284 pp.

Half-brown saddleback binding with corners. Spine with 5 nerves. Illustrated covers and spines preserved. Binding signed LOBSTEIN-LAURENCHET. Spine bleached.

Collective work to which Pierre Daye, Jacques Crokaert, J.-M. Jadot, Pierre Ryckmans... Philippe Soupault... have contributed.

Preface by Jean and Jérôme Tharaud.

Illustrated with 16 black non-text compositions based on drawings by ALLARD L'OLIVIER and JACOVLEFF and very abundant photographic reproductions from the Museum of Tervueren, the Ministry of Colonies and Residents, missionaries, private collections (Blondiaux, Walschot, Dardenne): ethnography, sites and numerous art objects. Complete with 6 maps.

Nice outfit. Very complete.

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