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Bibliothèque portative des voyages. Premier voyage autour du Monde, fait en 1768, 1769, 1770 et 1771... / Second voyage autour du Monde, et dans les régions du pôle austral fait en 1772, 1773, 1774, et 1775... / Troisième voyage autour du Monde, sur la cô

Bibliothèque portative des voyages
Réf. 41059

COOK (James)

Paris  -  chez la Veuve Lepetit  -  An XII-1804

  • Format : In-16.
  • Number of volumes : 15 volumes.
  • Binding : Related.
  • Language : Français

Binding of the period full rooted basane. Smooth spine with title and tomaison pieces in red morocco and golden florets. Golden frieze in framing on the boards. All edges gilt. Lack of leather on the jaws of some volumes. Hair and rubbed corners. 

Complete collection in a new translation by J. B. J. Breton.

Each trip is accompanied by an atlas containing, for the first trip: a map of the South Sea, a portrait of Cook and 23 engraved plates; for the second trip: a map of new discoveries made in the South Sea and 26 engraved plates; and for the third trip: a general map of the three trips and 23 engraved plates.

A total of one portrait, 3 cards, and 72 engraved plates.

Pleasant example in an elegant uniform binding of the period.

Categories : Atlas

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