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Petit guide de Rome pour les pèlerins du vingt-cinquième jubilé.

Followed by Ricordo di Roma, Parte 2 - Ricordo di Rome, Parte II

Petit guide de Rome pour les pèlerins du vingt-cinquième jubilé
Réf. 72138


Non-donnés.  -  Bureau de presse du Comité Central de l'Année Sainte.  -  Tome I : 1950; Tome II et III : non-datés.

  • Format : In-12.
  • Number of volumes : 3 tomes.
  • Binding : Volume I : Paperback; Volume II and III : Hardback.
  • Collation : Tome I : 95; Tomes II et III : non-paginés.

Set of three volumes.

The first one with soft cover and printed in colors. Some foxing on the spine and back cover. Paper slightly browned. Good condition of the contents decorated with plans in colour or in black and white off-text.

The two following ones with publisher's boards decorated with gilt ornaments. Bindings slightly rubbed. Browned papers. Good condition of the contents composed of bellowed black and white photographic plates.

Third volume with colour illustrated boards and black and white map on the reverse side of the binding.

In good condition.

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