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GAZETTE DU BON TON. Art, mode et frivolités.

GAZETTE DU BON TON. Art, mode et frivolités.
Réf. 70435

Paris  -  Émile Lévy, Librairie Centrale des Beaux-Arts  -  1912-1915 [puis] 1920-1925.

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 14 tomes.
  • Binding : Related.

Half vellum bradel binding. Title in black and pink ink painted on the spine. Golden head. Covers preserved.

Rare complete collection of the 7 years of this superb "very rare collection, the most important and most interesting for contemporary fashions" (Carteret).

Begun in 1912 under the direction of Lucien Vogel, the Gazette du Bon Ton appeared until December 1925, with an interruption during the Great War. In 1920, it was sold by L. Vogel to an American distributor who, among other things, published the magazine "Vogue", on which the "Gazette" exerted considerable influence, and its publication continued until 1925. It remained the main witness of the French Art de vivre and taste during the Roaring Twenties. The most famous illustrators collaborated with the magazine: George Barbier, Raoul Dufy, Pierre Brissaud, Marty, Guy Arnoux, Benito, Robert Bonfils, Brunelleschi, Laboureur, etc. The texts, on fashion or various worldly subjects, are signed by G. Mourey, E. Henriot, J.-L. Vaudoyer, Fr. de Miomandre, Cl. Roger-Marx, J. Giraudoux, H. de Régnier, P. Mac-Orlan, G. Baër, etc.

The set contains 572 colour non-text plates, some of them on double-page spread and folders, and 169 non-text sketches.

1st year, 1912-1913: 120 plates vol. 1, 1912: Nos. 1 to 3: 30 pl. h. t. vol. 2, 1913: no. 4 to 12: 90 plates, 90 p. h. t.

2nd year, 1914: 88 plates and 21 sketches vol
. 3, 1914: no. 1 to 6: 61 plates, numbered 1 to 61 h. t., and 10 line sketches
. 4, 1914: No. 7: 11 plates, first and last numbers 62 to 72, and 11 line sketches + summer 1915: No. 8-9: 6 plates, first and last numbers Drian + 6 plates, first to sixth numbers + 4 plates, numbers 74, 75, 76 and 80 (missing 73, 77, 78, 79).

VARIA 1793rd
year, 1920: 79 plates and 48 sketches vol.
5, 1920: no. 1 to 5: 39 pl. nos. 1 to 39; 28 sketches nos. I to XXVIII: 9 by Dufy including a panorama, nos. XXI to XXIV, 8 by Fauconnet, 4 by Mario Simon, 4 by Süe and Mare.
vol. 6, 1920: no. 6 to 12: 40 pl. nos. 40 to 79; 20 sketches nos. XXIX to XLVIII: 4 by Francis Jourdain, 4 by Simeon, 4 by Dufy, 4 by Ruhlmann, 4 by Bagge and Huguet.

4th year, 1921: 80 plates and 20 sketches.
7, 1921: #1 to 5: 40 pl. num. 1 to 40; 12 sketches num. I to XII: 4 of Mam, 4 by Lucie Renaudot, 4 by Woodruff

Vol. 8, 1921: No. 6 to 12: 40 pl. nos. 41 to 80; 8 sketches nos. XIII to XX. 5th year, 1922: 77 plates and 80 sketches

vol. 9, 1922: no. 1 to 5: 40 pl. num. 1 to 40; 40 sketches num. I to XL.
vol. 10, 1922: no. 6 to 12: 37 pl. nos. 41 to 77; 40 sketches nos. XLI to LVI, then I to VIII, I to VIII, I to VIII.

6th year, 1923: 58 plates.
vol. 11, 1923 (missing false title and title): no. 1 to 5: 24 pl. num. 1 to 24.
12, 1923 (missing false title and title; cover dated 1924, without error): no. 6 to 12: 34 pl. num. 25 to 58.

7th year, 1924-1925: 70 plates.
vol. 13, 1924-1925 (missing false title and title): no. 1 to 5: 42 pl. num. 1 to 42.
14, 1925-1925 (missing false title and title): no. 6 to 9: pl. num. 43 to 70; 10 ff. illustrated with 12 gilt robes by Poiret.

Pleasant copy in delicate uniform binding.

Categories : Fashion - Costume

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