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Notice historique sur l'Abbaye de Solesmes.

Followed by a description of the abbey church and its sculptures.

Notice historique sur l'Abbaye de Solesmes
Réf. 63422

QUENTIN (Henri, Dom.)

Tours.  -  Alfred Mame et fils.  -  Non-daté (XXe siècle).

  • Format : In-12.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Paperback.
  • Collation : 151 pp.

Printed soft cream blanket. Unshaded pages. Nice paper freshness. Frontispiece in black and white. Contents decorated with black and white photographs in and out of text.

Enriched copy with a SIGNED SELF-SIGNED SENDING from the author: "To Father Manuel Langlois, librarian of the Catholic Institute of Paris, cordial homage."

Very good condition.

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