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Mélanges d'histoire du livre et des bibliothèques offerts à Monsieur Frantz Calot

Mélanges d'histoire du livre et des bibliothèques offerts à Monsieur Frantz Calot
Réf. 69192

CALOT (Frantz)

Paris.  -  Librairie d'Argences.  -  1960.

  • Format : In-4.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Paperback.
  • Collation : XXIII-384 pp.

Printed soft cream blanket. Wrinkled back. Edges of the cover lightly rubbed. Unstudded pages. Frontispiece in black and white. Nice freshness of the paper. Excellent condition of the contents with 26 black and white plates and black and white in-text illustrations.


A beautiful work, interesting to say the least, in the sense that it allows us to discover the evolution over the centuries of books and libraries, respectively media and places of conservation of knowledge. The form or even their functions have undergone several mutations. The author, Frantz Calot, takes you on a journey from Antiquity to the Modern Age.

Nice condition of the contents.

Categories : History of the book

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