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Œuvres libres

Œuvres libres.
Réf. 51571


Sous le nom du licencié Pablo de Herlagnez à Ségovie.  -  1868 [v. 1930]

  • Bookbinder : Annie ROBINE
  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Bound.
  • Collation : 100 pp.

In a black box. Soft binding of Annie ROBINE of an extreme sobriety with a grey galu-chat skin, opening on a pale pink pork suede. Collective publication of the collections Friends, Women and Hombres. Each poem is decorated with a historical lettertrin engraved on fairly free wood and some erotic cul-de-lampe also engraved on wood (anonymous).

LIMITED EDITED to 400 numbered copies for subscribers on Arches laid, circa 1930, according to Pia and Dutel.

"Leather here is shaped by form, it has an enveloping tendency, a sheet of meaning, a cover of voice. Annie Robine is known for her rigorous design and execution as well as for the sensuality of the appearance she wants to give to things. "(Histoire de la reliure de création, Yves Peyré, 2015).

Superb binding by Annie Robine.

From the same author

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