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Contes antiques

Contes antiques
Réf. 72950

LOUYS (Pierre) illustrated by Sylvain SAUVAGE

Paris  -  Aux éditions du bois sacré  -  1929

  • Bookbinder : Ch. SEPTIER.
  • Format : In-folio.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Sheets.
  • Collation : CLXXXIII pp.

In the publisher's case and shirt. Under filled cover.
32 splendid illustrations in the text engraved on copper in colour by Sylvain SAUVAGE including the frontispiece, 8 compositions with integrated red lettering, 22 very large chapter heads covering almost all the pages and one composition in the text. The volume is also strewn with numerous ornaments and red and black lettering.

PRINTING LIMITED to 237 numbered copies. This one is one of 40 numbered head copies on pearly white Japan with a black suite, the color decomposition of an engraving and a signed AQUARELLE ORIGINALE.

Very nice condition.

From the same author

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