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Réf. 53308

LARBAUD (Valéry) illustrated by Jeanne ROSOY, Germaine LABAYE, HALICKA, Hermine DAVID

Paris  -  Librairie Gallimard  -  1926

  • Format : In-12.
  • Number of volumes : 4 tomes.
  • Binding : Cardboard boxes.
  • Collation : Tome 1: 57 pp. Tome 2: 60 pp. Tome 3: 48 pp. Tome 4: 65 pp.

Illustrated publisher's cardboard of the publisher with different polychrome motifs for each volume, with a medallion lithograph on the top plate. Burnt storage paper.

Volume I: Le Couperet, Rachel Frutiger: illustrated by Jeanne ROSOY.

Volume II: Dolly, Holiday Homework: illustrated by Germaine LABAYE.

Volume III: Rose Lourdin, Eliane: illustrated by HALICKA.

Volume IV: The hour with the figure, The Great Age: illustrated by Hermine DAVID.

In total, thirty-two etchings, including 10 full-page compositions, 8 letters, 8 headers and 6 lamp ends.

LIMITED DRAWING. One of the 300 numbered headers on Holland Van Gelder.

Valéry Larbaud invites us to rediscover the vivid sensations of childhood, through evocations that are often heartbreaking and very accurate. Short, punchy, under their apparent sweetness, Valéry Larbaud's short stories capture us as if by surprise.

Very good condition.

Categories : Limited edition
From the same author

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