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Épaves, édition originale

Réf. 43314

GREEN (Julien)

Paris  -  La Palatine, A la librairie Plon  -  1932

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Paperback.
  • Collation : 286 pp.
  • Language : Français

Grey printed cover 

"Wrecks is a deliberately interior novel, the first New Novel in a way, with the crucial difference that, there, psychology is action, as Flaubert wanted, and that the realistic description of the interiors or objects is worrying. The painting of these bourgeois, attached to their conventional life and confused in their selfishness, displeases French critics, but Roger Martin du Gard, Crevel, Jaloux, understand the scope of this "revolutionary" work (Crevel) which later inspired Camus". (Jean-Eric Green, Album Green, Gallimard, 1998, p.159).

FIRST EDITION. One of Alfa's 1,800 paper copies.


Very good condition.

From the same author

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