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Essai d'une Bibliographie de Bayonne et de ses Environs (1530-1920)

Excluding Basque Texts and Works dealing specifically with the Basque Language and Literature". Accompanied by some Excerpts

Essai d'une Bibliographie de Bayonne et de ses Environs (1530-1920)
Réf. 54411

BARBE (Ferdinand)

Bayonne  -  À l' enseigne des Arts Graphiques  -  1935.

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Bound.
  • Collation : 349 pp.

Binding half basane fauve marbled, gilded title on back with nerves, slight rubbing. Publisher coverage retained. Blunt corners.

One of the two essential Basque bibliographies with the Vinson.

Mention: "Small number of copies and not put on the market".

An ex-libris.

In good condition.

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