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Le livre de Goha Le Simple

Le livre de Goha Le Simple
Réf. 51921

ADES (A.), JOSIPOVICI (A.) illustrated by Mariette LYDIS

Paris  -  La Connaissance  -  1926

  • Format : In-12.
  • Number of volumes : 2 tomes.
  • Binding : Related.
  • Collation : Tome 1: 187 pp. Tome 2: 191 à 402 pp.

Black half-shagreen binding with corners. Nervous back. Cover and back kept.

Volume 1: illustrated with 20 off-text engravings in grey and black tones, sometimes enhanced with small touches of colour. Volume 2: Illustrated with 25 non-text engravings by Mariette LYDIS.

LIMITED DRAWING. This one is one of the 800 numbered copies on vergé de Rives.

Good condition.

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