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Royaume-Farfelu. Histoire., édition originale

Royaume-Farfelu. Histoire.
Réf. 83834


Paris  -  Editions de la Nouvelle Revue Française  -  1928

  • Bookbinder : J.-P. MIGUET
  • Format : Grand in-8.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Connected.
  • Collation : 89 pp.

In a lined case. Half morocco black striped binding. Smooth spine with gold title along the back and gold date on the tail. Golden head. Cover and back preserved. Binding signed B. BICHON.

FIRST EDITION. This one is one of 486 numbered copies on Lafuma-Navarre pure thread vellum.

It was after two stays in Asia between 1923 and 1925 that André Malraux wrote Royaume-Farfelu, a fantastic tale and the best way for the author to express his opposition to a world that had become incoherent, deprived of moral and spiritual values.

Very good condition.

From the same author

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