Koegui Bookstore is a member of SLAM and LILA

As members of the Syndicat de la Librairie Ancienne et Moderne (SLAM), itself affiliated to the International League of Ancient Booksellers (LILA), we practice its strict ethical rules as indicated in the Conditions of Sale, which guarantee you:

  • the competence and knowledge of booksellers
  • the authenticity of the books and manuscripts described and proposed
  • professionalism in all purchasing, sales and consulting processes.

Our books are the subject of a precise description committing our guarantee as described in the general conditions of sale.

SLAM Syndicat national de la Librairie Ancienne et Moderne

Toutes les demandes ou commandes d’ouvrages qui nous sont adressées entrainent l’envoi de photos de l’ouvrage concerné et la confirmation de votre décision avant toute expédition.

Code of Ethics for Booksellers Specializing in Ancient Books

Like all members of SLAM and LILA, Koegui Bookstore is committed to respecting the code of ethics of booksellers specializing in antique books. This code of ethics applies, among other things, to all our commercial transactions with individuals, whether for the sale or purchase of books.

Find out more about the ethics and philosophy of the bookstore

Les libraires Koegui sont membres de l' ILAB LILA

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